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Avoiding Grey Hair With Green Smoothies and Raw Food

Lots of people in my workshop ask me if I colour my hair. The answer is no, never.

I turned 50 in 2017. One of the main reasons that I do not have any grey hair, I believe, is that I mainly live on green smoothies and green salads. I love preparing other fully raw organic foods for my family and friends, but after you have been a raw vegan for many years, life gets very simple.

Green smoothies are packed full of minerals, vitamins, organic sodium, protein, and magic fibre. Magic, because 1g of fibre takes out 60g toxins. Greens are also the most alkalising food one can eat, they satisfy the body and take away cravings.
I drink 1 – 2 litres a day. I prepare 4 litres for my husband and 1 litre each for my children. I prepare green smoothies in the morning first thing, and we take them where ever we go.

For a 2 litre Jug I use, for example, 3 bananas, 2 oranges, 1 passionfruit, 1 handful of greens, such as kale, spinach, purslane, rocket, dandelion, Warragul greens, edible weeds, silverbeet, herbs, etc. and about 3-4 cups of water.
Varying your greens is very important. Use any other combination of fruit. I buy only organic and get boxes in season. Sometimes I add frozen berries for the children.

By drinking regular green smoothies, (1 – 2 litres per day), I have experienced a dramatic change in my skin, blood circulation, clarity of mind, and energy. Green smoothies also feed beneficial gut bacteria, they, in turn, will make me crave more greens. The more green smoothies I drink, the more my body craves greens.

Some of you might think that grey hair and ageing depends on our genetic make-up. Yes, it is true that genetics are important, but I believe consuming the right food can overwrite our genetics.

Newest research, nutrigenomics, talks about how food can change our genes. nutrigenomics-harnessing-the-power-of-food-to-change-your-genes

For more information join my Facebook Group: Joy With Raw Food

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Raw Food and Anti Ageing

Becoming a vegetarian and a vegan was very easy for me. Once I realised, that it was better for my mental, emotional, and spiritual health and the planet, I just did it. At the same time, I also stopped having alcohol.
I was vegan for several years and not feeling as I thought I would before I made the connection. I felt sluggish in my meditation, I had discoloured skin on my face, and I thought that this was just part of getting older (I was 35).
I asked for guidance in my meditation, and the answer was to cleanse with foods that alkalise the body. After eating only raw food for a month, I was a different person. I had tons of energy, creativity, and focus, my skin was back to normal (actually more beautiful and radiant than I had ever experienced!), and I felt blissful. I was determined to never eat cooked food again because I felt AMAZING on raw food.
When I met my vegan husband, he convinced me that it was not practical to be on raw food while travelling. I returned to eating cooked vegan food for a couple of weeks, just plain steamed vegetables, and the difference was shocking. My bliss was gone, my facial skin started sagging, and I began to sprout grey hair.
I felt depressed and did not recognise myself. Taking the lifeforce out of my food was taking the life out of my body.
I went back on raw food and returned to my bliss. My skin went back to normal, and I stopped sprouting grey hair. I realised that being on raw food, not only influenced how I felt, but also stopped my ageing process. (Thanks to my husband for this realisation! Without him, I would have never gone back to cooked food and experienced the difference.)
Being on raw food by myself was very easy, but the hardest part of my journey was still to come.
My husband and I had two children, and my son was born with eczema and asthma.
My children were vegan since birth. I noticed very early on that my son broke out when he had inorganic sodium (salt which is not part of a plant). I took him and the whole family off salt/soy/gluten, and he stopped having eczema breakouts. However, he still had trouble with his breathing. Until my husband decided it was enough and asked me to put the children on raw food, too. This was when my son got better. It took him a year to clean out the mucus and be totally asthma free. And then came Christmas with my husband’s family…..
After eating cooked vegan food my son and daughter had a hard time going back to raw food and my son started to develop asthma again. We went back on raw food, and he got rid of the mucus once again.
The hardest part of my journey has been to keep my children raw, that is why I created so many tasty raw vegan recipes and recipe books. I cried many many times when my children didn’t like my new creations. Preparing cooked vegan food is so much easier. Vegans rely on big companies to supply vegan processed foods such as mock sausages, vegan cheeses, pasta, bread, vegan sweets, etc., etc.,… On a vegan diet, we were still in the clutches of the big companies, such as the sugar and corn syrup giants… (Watch: The Sugar Conspiracy)
As salt-free raw vegans, we were on our own, and it was very very lonely……
It is like being on a different planet.
That is why the benefits also are out of this world. For me, the most important benefit of being raw vegan is health for my family and I. The anti ageing benefit is just a bonus. 
Love, Melissa Keath
Image: Raw vegan food from my recipe books
Facebook: Melissa Keath
Facebook: Joy With Raw Food Group
Instagram: @joywithrawfood