Winston The Stubborn Wombat – ebook for immediate download


The Power of Empathy Series Ebook Number 3, Winston The Stubborn Wombat, explores the question of helping others. It shows us that only through empathy we can truly help someone.




What is the secret to happiness?

For all creatures, humans and animals alike, the secret to happiness lies in the ability to have meaningful and positive relationships.

To have positive relationships, we need to develop empathy: the ability to put our point of view aside and try to see from the other person’s perspective. We develop empathy as children primarily through observing empathy in others.

This series of storybooks presents with each story an aspect of empathy. Empathy consists of a set of skills that build upon each other. Similarly, this series of stories will build upon each other with the final goal of introducing all aspects of empathy.

Winston The Stubborn Wombat, the third story in the Empathy Series, explores the question of helping others. It shows us that only through empathy we can truly help someone.